The morning news digest cites a Rolling Stone article reporting the history of allegations concerning the rocker Marilyn Manson. The article is here: The report is of a history indeed. That is why my sort has some problem with high-flyers who continually fall into such messes. If itContinue Reading

This morning’s must-read comes to us via Rachel Bovard of the Federalist and the Conservative Partnership Institute, here: Ms. Bovard draws up a readably concise summary of the provisions contained in the “bipartisan infrastructure bill”. But she goes beyond that to remind us of the inconceivable betrayals along theContinue Reading

Here is a link. You, the intelligent and concerned reader, might peruse this piece written by Shawn Fleetwood of for today to comprehend why a professor in my acquaintance sometimes fears for his job: Fleetwood writes that the Office of Equity and Inclusion [‘equity’?] at Point Park UniversityContinue Reading

[MY POST WILL APPEAR LATER. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT!] THE GOVERNMENT IS TAKING COMMENTS ON 1619 PROJECT REGULATION NOW! Go to and enter your comments on the Biden proposal to enforce the 1619 Project on public school curricula. This project has been exposed by historians of all stripes forContinue Reading