On July 30, 38 parent groups in the State of Wisconsin released an open letter to the President of the United States and their governor. The text is below, and it is a model of how parents take back control of their children’s lives and their own freedom to make decisions concerning them:
President Biden and Governor Evers,
We represent over 20,000 Wisconsin families across 38 parent advocacy groups, and we are here to
inform you that your uninvited reign of destruction over the children of Wisconsin is finished.
We have watched the last week unfold in abject horror – observing our government institutions and
leaders failing our children at every turn, again. Your renewed calls for lockdowns, enforced mask
mandates, and masking in schools is not rooted in science and is objectively cruel to the most vulnerable
in our society, our children.
We believe that you are in fact aware of this and continue to play political games with our children, despite our efforts to work with you over the last twelve months.
We are here to inform you that this ends today.
Effective immediately we will not:
- Mask our children in schools
- Allow you to use your private sector counterparts to enforce invasive mask mandates on our
children in various stores or at community activities - Subject our children to any further local, regional, or national lockdowns or movement restriction.
Simply put, these are not your children. They are ours and they too, are Americans with rights. They are
our responsibility and our most beloved. They are not yours.
We applaud and support the school boards, businesses, and localities that have respected our parental
choice. We anticipate and appreciate their continued support of our right to choose what is best for our
children and individual families.
If you are a parent reading this, hear us clearly: you are not alone. We urge you to connect with other parents and make your voice heard.
We are strong. We are united. We are in control.
We have never and will never co-parent with the government.
We The Parents
Wisconsin United for Freedom
No Left Turn in Education Wisconsin
New Berlin District Parents for Freedom
Parent Up KMSD
Parents for Education – Arrowhead
We The Parents – Hartford
We The Parents – Burlington
Recipes for Freedom Waukesha County
We The Parents of Jefferson County
We The Parents of Waukesha County
Mukwonago Parents for Normal Education
We The Parents – Muskego
We The Parents – Northland Pines
Pulaski Community School District Parents Advocating
EC In The Know
The Germantown Direction
We The Parents – Elmbrook
We The Parents – Greendale
MCPASD Focus on Education
We The Parents – Menomonee Falls
We The Parents – Franklin
Lodi Parents for a Better Tomorrow
Freedom Fighters of Central Wisconsin
Wilmot and Randall Parents Against Masks
Unmask Our Kids Kenosha County
Recipes for Freedom Fond Du Lac County
We The Parents Dane County
We The Parents – Cambridge
New Richmond Unmask Our Kids
We The Parents – Somerset
Outagamie County Liberators Recipes for Freedom
Wisconsin Rapids Freedom Fighters
Coulee Region Freedom Fighters
We The Parents – Hudson
VOICE for Howard Suamico
Families of LC
Liberty Leaders
This is how it needs to happen. One example among the many paths we must take to nullify tyrannies,
Father David+
Contact information for the above organizations: WIParentsMedia@gmail.com