Randi Weingarten. President of the American Federation of Teachers, promises a deep war chest for the defense of AFT teachers who break state laws by teaching Critical Race Theory anyway? Well, it’s your money, and your children’s minds… Door-to-door vaccinations, Mr. Biden? Doesn’t that precede door-to-door gun grabs, door-to-door mostContinue Reading

The things that land in my mailbox all too frequently? Legitimate appeals for benevolence and contributions are one thing. But the repetitious NRA Member Renewal notices sent about every six weeks throughout the year, way too many Medicare supplement and life insurance company offers, and so on, are another. It’sContinue Reading

Yes, that was a $75,000.00 robotic “dog” walking, or being walked, in a New York City park. It looked like a biker’s ‘teardrop’ gas tank on stilts. The four-legged contraption meandered clumsily up to a little girl in a stroller, seemingly wanting to investigate the little human in the seat.Continue Reading

On Tuesday, Judge James E. Plowman Jr. of the Circuit Court of Loudoun County, Virginia, granted an injunction to reinstate physical education teacher Byron Cross to his post in that county’s school system. His offense leading to the suspension? Mr. Cross opposed on First Amendment grounds a regulation forcing school system employeesContinue Reading