DEMOCRATS: Chairman Theodore E. Deutsch, Florida; Susan Wild, Pennsylvania, Dean Phillips, Minnesota; Veronica Escobar, Texas; Mondaire Jones, New York
REPUBLICANS: Ranking Member: Jackie Walorski, Indiana; Michael Guest, Mississippi; Dave Joyce, Ohio; John H. Rutherford, Florida; Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota.
RE: Rep. Maxine Waters, California
The most recent actions and statements of this representative call for your action, sooner rather than later.
This representative has traveled into a district not her own, with intent to influence the outcome of a criminal trial according to her own prejudicial opinion.
Rep. Waters has also equated what she labels “the right” with “the racists” with a view to further agitate a crowd already having executed several consecutive nights of violence in that same district.
Rep. Waters additionally commended, demanded and exhorted that same crowd to “get more confrontational”, presumably inciting the crowd to even further violent actions if her conclusion pertaining to the outcome of the trial is not the verdict of the judicial process.
As it is my understanding that a congressional impeachment and subsequent removal from office is not an option, and replacement by the voters in her own district is unlikely, We the People insist that the House Ethics Committee examine the above-cited conduct of Rep. Waters, and any antecedent conduct of a similar nature, and the appropriate censure or censures issued and made public.
Father David+
[This is to be printed, signed with full name and title, and sent to my own representative, Jackie Walorski of Indiana, who serves on the Ethics Committee. You the readers should do likewise, demanding action by contacting your own representatives. We know that the fight is ‘uphill’, but winnable with persistence.]
NIKE (“BETSY ROSS SHOE” CANCELLATION ANNIVERSARY #1.). I know that that was last year. But as the violent shout to us, “no justice? No peace!”, therefore we give them none… by hurting them in their wallets… non-violently!
[As I build this site, the Boycott and (Black)list will become a prominent feature, as financial boycott can be a powerful weapon. You the readers are welcome to add to the list. If we refuse to buy a product, there is nothing our antagonists can do about that, and we do not need to even gather in the streets. Simply hurt them in their wallets, thus making it not about the politics, but about money. That the woke mob will ‘get’].
The ever-irreverent Babylon Bee (‘FAKE NEWS YOU CAN RELY ON!’) notes that Amazon allows the timid to “loot from home”. You will find it here:
So if you become squeamish about throwing glass bottles through windows, setting fires, or being mistaken for Antifa types, you may simply click on the “LOOT IT!” button. Amazon bills the vendors…