How might blood type better address the individuality of each human life from conception onward, and promote commonality of cultural understanding in the human life discussion? According to the Torah, the Law of Moses, nothing is more basic to the notion of human life than the nature of its life-sustainingContinue Reading

THE INTRODUCTORY “Is it really “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”? Nooooo… but rather “When the government outlaws guns, only the government will have guns!” – V Rev. David L. Rogers, circa 1971 ‘NUKES’, F-15S, AND OTHER SCARE TACTICS We the People are by this time wellContinue Reading

“On 10 November, 1775, by authorization of the Continental Congress, the first companies of the Marine Corps were gathered at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, under the command of Captain Robert Mullen. 10 November is now your new birthday! Dooo yooou have that absolutely clear, Privates?” “YES, SIR!” “I CAN’TContinue Reading

Yesterday, Democritus, Cicero and I met in a Valparaiso coffee shop situated in a bookstore. When the meeting ended, the much younger Cicero was verbally assaulted by an elderly woman who had apparently sat nearby toward the end of our discussion. When Cicero attempted to engage her in some pleasantContinue Reading

Reuters reported on Saturday, October 9, of a September meeting where the Pope was asked about the communion of politicians debate within the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference. His Holiness told reporters that abortion is “murder”, even soon after conception. But then he appeared to criticise [sic] the U.S. bishops forContinue Reading