Kevin McGary of authored a piece concerned with the Salvation Army’s nascent ‘wokeness’, published in The American Thinker of December 1. He highlights the issues of pitting races against each other as antithetical to the Christian Gospel’s mandates, and asks whether we ought to support this organization and longer.Continue Reading

Yesterday, Democritus, Cicero and I met in a Valparaiso coffee shop situated in a bookstore. When the meeting ended, the much younger Cicero was verbally assaulted by an elderly woman who had apparently sat nearby toward the end of our discussion. When Cicero attempted to engage her in some pleasantContinue Reading

Here is a link. You, the intelligent and concerned reader, might peruse this piece written by Shawn Fleetwood of for today to comprehend why a professor in my acquaintance sometimes fears for his job: Fleetwood writes that the Office of Equity and Inclusion [‘equity’?] at Point Park UniversityContinue Reading