[Now that I have the correct WordPress book, I can get on with building this blog/website]. It has taken some time for me to digest the news concerning the Derek Chauvin verdict. There is not a lot of question that the officer’s conduct would produce a finding of ‘guilty’ onContinue Reading

TO THE HOUSE ETHICS COMMITTEE RE REP. MAXINE WATERS: DEMOCRATS: Chairman Theodore E. Deutsch, Florida; Susan Wild, Pennsylvania, Dean Phillips, Minnesota; Veronica Escobar, Texas; Mondaire Jones, New York REPUBLICANS: Ranking Member: Jackie Walorski, Indiana; Michael Guest, Mississippi; Dave Joyce, Ohio; John H. Rutherford, Florida; Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota. RE: Rep.Continue Reading

This is for me a bit difficult to write, as it will come across as an “I-told-you so!” The identity of the Indianapolis Fedex shooter has been publicized. That is not so important as the announcement of the FBI having been to his house last year at his mother’s requestContinue Reading

16 APRIL – CULTURE FOMENTING MASS SHOOTINGS Eight people shot this morning at the Fedex airport facility in Indianapolis. The shooter was the last of them as he killed himself. A Chicago 13-year-old is shot and killed by police, and Brooklyn Heights, Minnesota, just experienced its fourth straight night ofContinue Reading

15 APRIL – CONCERNING HOPE Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the Nation of Israel’s Independence Day, began last evening. The modern nation became a reality in 1948 as a result of international recognition of the need for a homeland for the Jewish people. The result of an idea going back to the pre-WWIContinue Reading

[This post was originally published as a page on April 6, 2021, and is now re-posted properly]. 6 APRILSo some do not like the symbolism of the Cross of Jesus in the Good Friday liturgy, a liturgy which incidentally had undergone considerable revision as a result of the recent interfaithContinue Reading

[Please note: This site is yet very new, and your patience with my WordPress ignorance is appreciated]. CULTURAL APOSTASY Thomas Jefferson’s birthday – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among theseContinue Reading

10 APRILVOICI: ‘LE WEEKEND‘ “WAAAAAAHH!!”So Mr. Biden announces a commission, bipartisan of course, to commence a 180-day study to stack the Supreme Court. The Hill reports that, Oh Yes, there will be some conservatives on that commission. We will examine that claim below and the composition of the commission whenContinue Reading

THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD 4 APRIL, 2021 [I do trust that the readers of this blog and site, absolutely new today, will be patient with the author (me) as I learn the software from the ground up. And I thank you]. “He is risen! He is risen indeed!” WeContinue Reading