Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the Nation of Israel’s Independence Day, began last evening. The modern nation became a reality in 1948 as a result of international recognition of the need for a homeland for the Jewish people. The result of an idea going back to the pre-WWI days in England and the Zionist movement, the controversial “Balfour Declaration” of 1917 provided the springboard toward a Jewish homeland. That it was and has been a point of dispute in many quarters is beyond question.

Yet hope must remain a live option as the principals continue to seek resolution and lasting peace.

Shalom and happy birthday to our closest ally in the Middle East…

I learned of Headbands of Hope this morning.

Jessica “Jess” Ekstrom founded Headbands of Hope in 2012. While still in college she interned for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and took notice of some children preferring headbands to wigs after chemotherapy.

So Jess established her company to provide their desire for the headbands, with a vision to donate as many headbands as she would sell.

Both the concept and the benevolence caught on. Jess now makes headbands for most every need and donates her headbands to hospitals around the globe.

Now she has extended her ministry/business to children having other illnesses. beyond that still, Jess has expanded her repertoire to include headbands for about everyone up to major sports stars, and you the reader??

From her website, and in her own words, “It wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it!”

You will find Headbands of Hope here: https://www.headbandsofhope.com/

So upon learning of her company and its benevolent purpose this morning, I remarked to myself, “Now that’s capitalism!” Jess saw a need, a need that would not only provide for her own career upon graduation, but would also fulfill her dream of providing for the children she loves…

Under Marxism, such a company does not exist. For under Marxism, hope does not exist in economic terms.

Marxism has no patience with the sort of individual choice and motivation demonstrated by Jessica’s witness and drive. Even under the state-sponsored ‘capitalism’ of the PDR of China, that sort of true liberty and reward does not exist. For the approving state monitors it.

And Marxism likewise has less patience with the Hebrew-Christian ethic of the love of God and of neighbor that is at the root of Jess’s ministry. I do not know Jess’s faith. But we do know that the evil system of Marxism knows no God, neither the existence of values beyond the superimposed ‘will’ of the proletariat. Translate that as totalitarian control.

Blessings to Jess and to each and every freedom loving American. For as I said above, “Now that’s capitalism!”

In the USA it is also National Laundry Day, so I must go celebrate as I preside over the obligatory weekly ritual… No hope… 😉

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